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Become a member of the Ford Excursion Club today!



We are still in the process of making member ID cards, setting up our mailing and shipping departments and other great things to start accepting new members very soon!


Pricing and full details with links to various things will be announced ASAP!


Thank you for your patience!



If you are interested in hosting an event or gathering and having Ford Excursions take over your lot!!! Feel free to drop us a line and proposal for your event. We will consider and discuss all interested parties and let you know if it will work or if it's even possible. We are always looking for new places in the Central Time Zone to host events.


Just email us at and make sure you put HOST AN EVENT in the subject line!


We look forward to hearing from you!

Mailing list with first chance to reserve a guest spot at events!
Group activities free of cost!*
*Only events which don't require a ticket purchase to attend
Great people who own Ford Excursion's and have first hand experience in ownership and can help you with information and maybe even repairs. Great place to meet friends!!!

We require donations and member dues to be able to plan and organize group meets and activities. If you are an Excursion owner, Non owner, or just a fan of the page and trucks feel free to click the link below to help us be able to plan great family style activities and events for many years to come!


 IF you are interested in donating your time to help with meets and shows email us at

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